Our 1 month from today calculator instantly provides the exact date one month from today or any selected date.
Are you curious to know the exact date of 1 month from today? In this simple guide, I explain the date one month in the future from today in other time units. We know that 1 month equals 28 to 31 days, depending on the month.
Determining the date 1 month from today is much simpler, but due to leap year and month lengths, the exact date may vary. For example, if today's date is January 31st
, our calculator will tells you that one month from today is February 28th
or February 29th
, if it's a leap year.
The following table tells you the exact date of 1 month in the future based on today's date:
Starting Date | One Month From Today |
The following table shows the equivalent value of 1 month from today
in other time units:
Time Unit | Equivalent 1 Month Value |
π Weeks | 4 Weeks & 2 Days |
π Days | 30.42 Days |
β³ Hours | 728.4 Hours |
β± Minutes | 43,704 Minutes |
β² Seconds | 2,622,240 Seconds |
The simplest way is to use the calendar or our calculator to tell you the exact date and day based on today's date or selected date. Alternatively, you can follow these steps to determine the exact date 1 month from today:
.30 days
(depending on the month β see below table) to today's date; you will get 1 month from today's date,
.π Days in Each Month:
The calendar below shows the days in each 12 months, including the leap year.
Month | Regular Year | Leap Year |
January | 31 days | β |
February | 28 days | 29 days |
March | 31 days | β |
April | 30 days | β |
May | 31 days | β |
June | 30 days | β |
July | 31 days | β |
August | 31 days | β |
September | 30 days | β |
October | 31 days | β |
November | 30 days | β |
December | 31 days | β |
Yes! Our 1 month from today calculator respectively handles the leap year and tells you the exact accurate date. For example, if today is February 29, 2024
, the calculator will accurately add 1 month and show March 29, 2024