Goat Gestation Calculator

Last Updated: Dec 29, 2024

Welcome to our Goat Gestation Calculator, where you can accurately estimate goat gestation. It provides the step by step comprehensive milestones of pregnancy based on the breeding date, which can help you to make the expectation of kidding delivery date and allow you to better prepare and manage.

First, let me know what the average goat's gestation length is, and what factors affect it? And What symptoms indicate pregnancy? And how does a goat gestation calculator work, and how to use it?

What are the symptoms that indicate goat pregnancy?

Determining the pregnancy is critical, but some signs can indicate the goat is pregnant:

  • Behavioral Changes: The goat may start nesting more than normal for comfort, while some goats want more attention from the handler.
  • Appetite: The goat shows a great desire for food to support the development of pregnancy (fetuses).
  • Physical Sign: The Goat's physical body weight may gain gradually, specifically around the abdomen.
  • Nipple Changes: The size of a goat's nipple may start increasing and become more prominent during milk production.

What is the typical length of Goat gestation?

On average, the goat gestation length is about 150 days, but it can be range between 145 and 155 days. Some important factors affect the length of gestation slightly, including breed, environment, and overall health. Our goat gestation calculator is flexible enough to compute the result based on the breed type you prefer to select and provide all stages of goat gestation until the earliest and latest due date.

The following important factors can affect the goat gestation duration:

  • Breed: Goat breeds can affect gestation, as some breeds have slightly longer gestations and some slightly shorter gestations.
  • Age: Female goat (doe) age can impact pregnancy length. For example, a younger and first-time goat pregnant may experience lengthy gestation duration. On the other hand, an experienced and consistent goat gestation is shorter.
  • Health: Proper nutrition, care, and good health are favorable for an optimal gestation period, while poor health and insufficient nutrition may shorten or lengthen the gestation period.
  • Environment: Extreme weather conditions, such as very hot or very cold environments, can impact the gestation period.

How to use the Goat Gestation Calculator

Using our calculator is straightforward as it uses the breeding date and the breeding type to estimate the kidding date:

Formula to calculator due date:

Kidding Due Date = Mating date + 150 days

Inputs to fill:

  • Breeding Date: ________
  • Goat Breed: ___________

Explanations of inputs:

  • Breeding Date: Enter the date when the goat was bred.
  • Goat Breed: Here, select the breed type to which your goat belongs; if you do not know the breed type, you can choose the 'Average' option.


Assume a goat was bred on January 1, 2025:

  • Breeding Date: January 1, 2025.
  • Goat Breed: Average.

Kidding Due Date = January 1, 2025 + 150 days

After adding the average gestation length of 150 days to the mating date, we got the May 31, 2025, kidding due date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical gestation period for goats?

The goat pregnancy length falls between 145 and 155 days, with an average of 155 days but depending on the breed of goat.

What breeds are included in the Goat Gestation Calculator?

Our goat's gestation calculator includes gestation periods for following breeds: Average, Boer, Nigerian Dwarf, Pygmy, and Saanen.

What should I do if my goat shows signs of labor before the estimated due date?

If your goat starts showing symptoms of labor before the expected due date, monitor her closely and be prepared for an early delivery. Contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

How many babies do goats have per pregnancy?

On average, goats have between 1 to 4 kids per pregnancy, while twins are the most common. Several factors such as breed, age, and health of the female goat can influence the number of kids.

When do you breed goats after kidding?

Commonly, it is recommended to wait at least 3 months after kidding before breeding a female goat again. This gives her body sufficient time to recover and ensures that she is in good health for the next pregnancy.